Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 15 Monday 3269km
I got up early to pack up my gear and sat fiddling with the guitar until Randall burst out of his room, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and thirty minutes later than he expected. Our two Toyotas raced up the road to Bundanon at a frantic pace and I was worried that joan would fall apart at any minute. We pulled into Riversdale at about 9:40 and Randall’s group was sitting there waiting for him. I helped out a little bit getting set up and then buggered off to paint a cloud study. After Randall finished, we packed up and headed to his mate Gary’s place, which is in a cottage that Arthur Boyd and Sidney Nolan (at different times) used to live in. We grabbed our sketching materials and some beers and drove down to the river to do some drawings. I got a good ink drawing of Randall, while all the while Gary is insisting that we hurry up or we may not be able to find our way up back to his place once the light is gone. Back up at his, we relaxed into the evening with some lentil soup, minute steaks and plenty of good conversation.

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