Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday 2700

After two weeks of down time in Sydney repairing jumpin’ joan’s tail light and other small things I am back on the road. A quick trip to Parkers in the Rocks on the way out of town enabled me to pick up some gauche and watercolour pads, and I was on the M5 by 10:30. I drove down to Bowral where I had planned to meet up with my friend Mick. We dropped into the Milk Factory to have a look at the current exhibition and then went into town for brekkie. He took me out to his tree nursery and showed me around, including a tour of his veggie patch – from which he had been supplying me the most delicious vegetables this past summer. It was quite cold today and there was a lot of wind, so I really had to bundle up while painting. I finished up at dusk and came inside to find a warm home and hot dinner of pumpkin, potato and spinach from the garden.

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